Add Records / Folders

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago
Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago

Edit a Record

This article will describe how to Remove and Rotate Pages within a Record

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago
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Folder Actions

How to Delete a Folder

How do I delete a folder?

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago

Rename a Folder

How do I rename a folder on the platform

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 3 years ago

How do I Copy a Record / Folder

Copying a Folder / Record from one ABC location to another is easy with these steps.

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 3 years ago

Record Acceptance / Rejection

How to change the status of a Record

You can easily accept an individual Record by following these steps

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago

How to change the status of a Folder

Accept all records within a Folder

Written by Paul Comerford
Updated 2 years ago